Thursday, 16 April 2015

Cannabis Seeds: One Solution For Multiple Problems

Cannabis seeds:

Cannabis seeds or hemp seeds, are widely used by humans because they are a reliable plant source of complete protein and unsaturated healthy fats. They are rich source of protein and contain all of the essential amino acids required for healthy human body. These seeds can be planted with minimal care and observation.
Health Benefits:

      Treats Glaucoma - Cannabis/Hemp seed can be used to treat and prevent glaucoma, an eye disease which increases pressure in the eyeball, and further damaging the optic nerve and loss of vision. In the year 1970, National Eye Institute claimed that it decreases the pressure inside the eye and prevents blindness.

      It stops cancer from spreading Yes that is very right. Cannabinoids, the active components of marijuana prohibit tumor growth and also kill cancer cells. 

      Controls epileptic seizuresEpileptic seizures can be prevented to a great extent by using this. Virginia Commonwealth University tested on epileptic rats by giving marijuana extract to them and you will be amazed to know the results.

For about 10 hours, the drugs rid the rats of the seizures. Basically the active ingredient of cannabis seed, Cannabinoids prevented seizures of rats by binding to the brain cells which are responsible for controlling excitability and regulating relaxation.

      Decreases anxiety – Medical marijuana users are claiming from many years that this drug helped them a lot as it acts as a pain reliever and it also suppress nausea and these two are the main reasons and it's often used to relieve the side effects of chemotherapy. Harvard Medical School researchers suggested that this drug can help people in reducing anxiety issues in their 2010 report.

             Improves lung health and reverses the carcinogenic effects of tobacco.

Can you buy Cannabis seeds online?

A big Yes for this. Why to waste time and energy on finding and visiting to these stores when you can buy them only by a single click. There are number of online stores which are providing cannabis seeds on very affordable prices with seasonal discounts. I discovered one website named “ ”. They have large number of products on very reasonable prices with minimum product delivery/shipping charges. Here are some of the major products they are offering: 

Nordic Kalashnikov                                                                                 Auto Viking


   Nordic Jack                                                                                              White Widow                                  


You can visit their website and can take a look on rest of the plants. Just remember one thing before planting these seeds. Cannabis plants are not safe outside as the risk of thefts are too damn high because of their medicinal and personal use at a wider extent. Just plant them inside your House. Good Luck !                        


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